West Mt. Shasta Defensible Space
The Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) is partnering with CalFire and the Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District to implement defensible space work in the west Mt. Shasta area. The project is a part of the CalOES California Wildfire Mitigation Program (CWMP). This area was selected due to the hazardous fuel loading with that exists within the wildland-urban interface, in addition to pre-existing CEQA coverage through the West Mt. Shasta CalVTP.
Interested homeowners are encouraged to reach out to firesmart@svrcd.org with questions.
CLICK HERE to apply!

The project will involve treating the following areas around habitable structures and outbuildings based on current and future CalFire defensible space current and future requirements:
Zone 0: 0-5 feet from the structure
Everything combustible (living, dead, or man-made) will be removed and replaced with non-combustible material. Wooden fences attached to structures will be replaced with non-combustible material for approximately 5 feet from structure.
Zone 1: 5-30 feet from the structure
Brush and trees will be spaced vertically and horizontally to reduce heavy fuel build up. Remaining vegetation is green and well watered.
Zone 2: 30-100 feet from structure
Brush and trees will be spaces vertically and horizontally to reduce heavy fuel build up. Tree canopies will be spaced to a minimum of 10 feet between crowns. This distance will increase on steep slopes.
All zones require the removal of downed logs and/or stumps along with other debris and slash that exceeds 3 inches in depth.
More resources about Defensible Space in California:
Wildfire Prepared Home, a Program of IBHS - Resources
California Wildfire Mitigation Program | California Governor's Office of Emergency Services

Other Information and Resources
Home Hardening:
Shasta Valley RCD is not currently working on any projects that involve preparing the home structure for wildfires. Please checkout the information and links below if you are interested to know what it takes to harden a structure from wildfire. Thank you.
Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide.pdfLooking for ways to get more involved in building a wilfire resilient community?
Check out the Siskiyou Firesafe Council
Organize a firewise community in your neighborhood: Building Firewise Communities: Wildfire Preparedness | CAL FIRE